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Balík SW do nového počítače či notebooku (Starter pack 5v1 🍱)

Balík SW do nového počítače či notebooku (Starter pack 5v1 🍱)

Regular price $36.00 USD
Regular price $315.00 USD Sale price $36.00 USD
Digital key Sold out

Second-hand software - Digital key 🔑
Fast delivery from order ✅
Easy activation ❤️

Vše co potřebujete pro váš nový PC / notebook ✅

Ultra výhodné balení nástrojů 5v1!

Windows + Avast + Office + VideoKurzy! 


 Produkt Běžná cena

Windows 11 Professional (Doživotní)

1200,- Kč

Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2021 (Doživotní)

1490,- Kč

Avast Premium Security na 1 rok

1490,- Kč

Videokurz - Jak na Word

999,- Kč

Videokurz - Jak na Excel

999,- Kč

Celková hodnota

6178,- Kč super akční cena

690,- Kč!


Platí do konce záři či vyprodání zásob! 🚦


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More information

Proč je software tak levný?

Druhotné digitální klíče můžeme nabízet za zlomek ceny nových. Jedná se o jednou již zakoupené výrobky, které se ovšem nijak svou funkčností neliší od nových.

Softwarové nástroje jsou tak dostupné pro každého z vás ❤️

How does activation of the purchased key work?

We will send you instructions on product activation by e-mail
along with the activation code.
Usually you just enter the key in that program and you're done :)

Functionality and validity guarantee

Digital keys are fully functional and some are valid for life after activation. This is aftermarket software that works identically to new. If any problem should arise, we will be happy to help you with everything, exchange the key for another one or show you how to activate the product.

Delivery within 24 hours of order

We usually process your order within a few hours . However, you can count on us to send it to your e-mail within 24 hours at the latest.

100% positive rating on Aukra

We have thousands of satisfied customers in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. We are developers ourselves and we understand our product range.

Quantity discounts

5 pcs or more = 5% discount (automatic at checkout)

10 pcs or more = 10% discount (automatic at checkout)

20 pcs or more = customized offer (contact us at )


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